Lower Your Bill

For New York drivers, there is a path to cheaper car insurance that many overlook because they have never been told the secret — finding affordable auto insurance in New York is a matter of knowing what kinds of discounts are available and what insurance companies’ rating factors are.

Car Insurance Discounts to Ask For

You can get some of the lowest car insurance rates in New York by learning about auto insurance discounts. Popular ones include the following:

  • Safe Driver Discount — You can pay a lot less if you have a record of being a safe driver. Sometimes you can even save as much as 45% or more on car insurance if you have proved that you are safe behind the wheel. Being safe usually means that you have not had any accidents or violations against your personal driving record for up to three years. For many drivers, this is a breeze, but for others, it’s time to start practicing safe driving now.
  • Early Signing Discount — One of the best ways to receive a discount on auto insurance is through early signing. This means that you switch your insurance policy from one company to another early, without waiting for your current policy to expire. Switching early may get you as much as another 10% discount on auto insurance. Some auto insurance companies may even switch it for you so that you don’t have to do any of the work when it comes to canceling with the old company.
  • Good Student Discount — Another way to score an easy discount with insurance companies is to be a good student. If you are enrolled full-time in either high school or college and you are under 25 years old, you may be able to save as much as 20% on auto insurance by providing your stellar academic transcript.
  • Passive Restraint Discount — This may seem like a no-brainer, but insurance companies love that their customers’ vehicles are equipped with basic factory-installed airbags, motorized seatbelts, and other features that promote the safety of a vehicle’s occupants. However, did you know that you can actually get a discount for that? Savings can go up to 30%, and the best part is your car already has this requirement built in.
  • Anti-Lock Brakes — If your car has anti-lock brakes, you can receive a discount of up to 10%.
  • Anti-Theft Devices — Having an anti-theft device in your car, such as an alarm, can save you as much as 10% on your auto insurance cost. Remember, car insurance providers love it when drivers protect their cars as much as possible.
  • Policy Bundles — All auto insurance companies appreciate and reward their most loyal customers, so if you insure your home or buy a life insurance policy under the same provider who insures you vehicle, you can end up saving an extra 10% on your auto insurance.

See what type of discounts you can qualify for by entering your zip code in our easy-to-use form. A few clicks and you could lower your car insurance bill today!

Car Insurance Policy Rating Factors

Not all auto insurance policies are created equal. In fact, there are multiple personal and vehicular factors that are taken into careful consideration before rates are quoted to customers. Below are some of the most important things that can affect your premium:

  • Driving Profile — How you personally drive your car is one of the biggest influences of your auto insurance rate. If you drive fewer miles, you are available for a lower quote because if you spend less time on the road, you are less likely to get into a car collision. If you have a clean driving record, you’ll also be offered lower quotes because you have shown that you are a responsible driver and not a risky one.
  • The Make and Model of Your Vehicle — If you drive a less expensive car, your car insurance premium will follow suit. The logic here is that more expensive cars are riskier in two ways. First, pricey cars are more attractive to car thieves. Second, expensive cars means necessarily means expensive parts, so if they get into a collision, it will cost more to repair the cars.
  • Your Personal Identifying Information— Car insurance companies actually run through a lot of statistics when setting prices. The outcome is that you will get cheaper rates if you:
    • are a woman instead of a man
    • are married with a family instead of single
    • employed instead of unemployed
    • older instead of younger
    • live in an area that is known to be a safe neighborhood
  • Your Chosen Coverage — If you select a policy that does not have too much coverage and that has a high deductible, you will be charged less for your premium.

If you want to see how your personal factors can directly affect your rates, simply submit your zip code into our form at the top of the page to find multiple car insurance quotes for comparison.